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Midjourney Statistics (How Many People Use Midjourney?)

Are you searching for the ultimate Midjourney statistics to learn more about this epic text-to-image AI tool?

Even though Midjourney has been around since early 2022, there isn’t much information/data about it.

Which you’ve probably found out yourself if you did any manual research.

And that’s where we wanted to make a difference – to curate a statistical roundup for your convenience.

Dig deeper to learn how many people use Midjourney, why people use it (can it be art therapy?), if you can sell art created with the tool and more.

Let’s go!

This post covers:

Midjourney Statistics (Our Top Picks)

  • Midjourney has 16+ million registered users on Discord
  • Roughly two-thirds of Midjourney’s user base is male
  • Nearly 70% of users use Midjourney for fun
  • There are more Android Midjourney users than iOS/Apple
  • 83% of Midjourney users say they use it as a form of art therapy
  • The leading traffic source is “direct

How Many People Use Midjourney?

1. Midjourney has 16+ million registered users on Discord

There are 16,680,000+ registered Midjourney users on Discord, of which 1,270,000+ are active at the time of writing this.

But you need to know that the members base is growing fast, so the number will likely be much higher even a day from publishing these Midjourney statistics.

Source: Discord

2. Midjourney’s subreddit has 580,000+ members

number of Midjourney subreddit subscribers - user growth over time

One of the reasons why Midjourney is as popular as it is is because of the extremely active subreddit, which has nearly 600,000 members, with 2.7K active right now.

Moreover, according to Reddit stats, r/midjourney generates 2,200+ comments (with peak day at nearly 4K comments) and nearly 250 posts (463 on peak day) every day.

Source: Reddit

3. Midjourney’s Twitter account has 286,000+ followers

Because social media is a pretty large thing for Midjourney, I’m also adding their Twitter stat here, so it’ll be easier for all of us to follow its growth.

So far, it already has over 286,000 followers, but it’s continuously growing at a steady pace.

Source: Twiter

4. Roughly two-thirds of Midjourney’s user base is male

Regarding gender distribution, Midjourney (the website) has approximately 65% of male and 35% of female users.

Source: Similarweb

5. The largest share of users/visitors (37%+) is aged 25-34

The largest age group of website visitors is between 25 and 34. Second and third largest are people aged 18-24 and 35-44.

AgeShare of users/visitors
Share of Midjourney website visitors by age group

Source: Similarweb

Midjourney Usage Statistics

6. Nearly 70% of users use Midjourney for fun

What’s the number one reason you use Midjourney? Is it for fun, utility or something else? I use it for fun, as do 68% of Discord members. The remaining 32% use the AI tool for utility.

In addition, 77% of respondents said they use Midjourney for personal, recreational purposes, not professional.

Source: Discord

7. Most users never share their AI-generated images

Interestingly, over 70% of Midjourney users never share their images online. Only 16% of them share around half of them and even less, 9%, maybe every one in ten.

But when you do something purely for fun, it’s for your enjoyment; you don’t really bother about sharing it – because why would you?

Source: Discord

8. But those who share images use Instagram for distribution more often than not

The Midjourney members who create images and then share them online tend to use Instagram the most (45% of respondents). Second comes Facebook (21%), third Twitter (15%) and then Reddit (6%), YouTube (6%), Tiktok (5%) and Pinterest (3%).

Source: Discord

9. There are more Android Midjourney users than iOS/Apple

While you can access Midjourney via Discord through any popular web browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.), many also access it via the Android and Apple applications.

For mobile users, 54% access the AI tool via the Android app and 46% via the iOS.

Moreover, when it comes to Midjourney’s desktop users, the largest share of members use Windows (72%), then Mac (29%) and then Linux (4%).

Source: Discord

10. Over 80% of Midjourney users say they use it as a form of art therapy

83% of users said they use Midjourney as a form of art therapy. I never thought of using an AI tool like that, but it makes sense.

If it makes you feel better, destress and “forget about time” for a while, that benefits the body and the mind.

Source: Discord

11. Midjourney’s basic plan costs $10 per month

First, you can either pay Midjourney on a month-to-month basis or yearly and enjoy a 20% discount.

PlanBasic PlanStandard PlanPro PlanMega Plan
Monthly subscription cost$10$30$60$120
Annual subscription cost$96$288$576$1152
Midjourney’s pricing

You get from 3.3 to 60 hours per month of fast GPU time with an option to purchase extra GPU time at $4/hour.

Moreover, you can switch plans (upgrade/downgrade) or cancel any time you want.

Source: Midjourney

Midjourney Web Traffic Statistics

12. In May 2023, Midjourney’s official website received 35+ million visitors

While Midjourney experienced a drop in website traffic in May 2023, it still generated 35.5 million total visits.

MonthTotal visits
March41.4 million
April42.7 million
May35.5 million
Total Midjourney website visits (2023)

Other interesting website engagement-related stats are:

  • The average visit duration is around six minutes and thirty seconds
  • The average bounce rate is 33% (that’s the percentage of visitors who leave the website after viewing only one page)
  • The average number of pages per visit is 6.5

Source: Similarweb

13. The United States sends the most traffic to

The official website gets the most traffic from the United States, followed by Brazil, India and Germany. Surprisingly, the United Kingdom only comes fifth.

CountryShare of visitors
United States17.24%
United Kingdom4.16%
Share of visitors per top 5 countries

Source: Similarweb

14. The leading traffic source is “direct”

Direct traffic is driving nearly 55% of visitors to, while organic search, which is the second largest traffic source, 36%. Unexpectedly, social traffic is in third place, only producing 6.2% of traffic.

The website doesn’t get much traffic through referrals, paid search, email and display.

Source: Similarweb

15. Discord and YouTube are the largest social media traffic sources

At 60% and 25%, Discord and YouTube generate the most social media traffic. Third, fourth and fifth are Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, with shares of 3%, 2.7% and 2.4%.

Source: Similarweb

16.’s audience interest is expected

The top interests of the Midjourney audience are computers, electronics, technology, programming and graphics.

But this should not put any limitations on someone who’s not into these topics and want to use the tool to create magnificent projects – because anyone is welcome to use Midjourney.

Source: Similarweb


If you’ve been trying to find more insights into the amazingness and vastness of Midjourney, I’m sure our statistics cleared things out for you.

We have revealed many data on the userbase, usage and website, so you don’t have to jump around the web for them anymore.

But this AI tool is still young, so we can expect a lot more new statistical data to drop in the coming months.

Are you using Midjourney, too?

Feel free to share your experience in the comments section below.

And if you’re binging on statistics, you should also not miss our chatbot statistics and Google Bard statistics.

Frequently Asked Questions About Midjourney

Is Midjourney free?

No, Midjourney is no longer free. It has four subscription plans, Basic, Standard, Pro and Mega. You can opt for a month-to-month payment option or pay annually and score yourself a 20% discount.

What is Midjourney good for?

Midjourney is an AI tool that works on a text-to-picture principle. Thus, it’s the ideal solution for creating high-quality realistic or fictional images, which makes it one of the biggest competitors to DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

How much does Midjourney cost?

The Basic Midjourney plan costs $10 per month with an optional yearly payment that lowers the price by 20%. The other three subscription plans are Standard ($30/month), Pro ($60/month) and Mega ($120/month).

Can I generate NSFW images with Midjourney?

While Midjourney has restrictions regarding showing and creating NSFW content, you can still find your way around the banned keywords to design the not-safe-for-work content.

Can I delete my images/projects in Midjourney?

Yes, it’s easy to delete your images in Midjourney. All you have to do is to react to your image’s job in Discord with an “X.”

What are Midjourney’s weaknesses?

One of the main weaknesses of Midjourney is its challenge of creating highly original and complex images. Plus, it occasionally struggles with making eyes and hands.

Can I sell Midjourney art?

Yes, you can sell your Midjourney art as much as you want. Machines and AI generators aren’t seen as authors; only humans can be authors, so in a sense, you’re the author of your Midjourney art.

Can I use Midjourney to crate NFTs?

Yes, you can create NFTs with Midjourney. It’s an excellent tool for gaining new creative and innovative ideas to design a unique NFT. (But you cannot use Midjourney for minting new NFTs.)

When was Midjourney released?

The first version of Midjourney was released in February 2022. The second, third and fourth versions were released in the same year, with the fifth and beyond in 2023+.

Who founded Midjourney?

The founder of Midjourney is David Holz, a co-founder of Leap Motion.

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Rok is a professional content creator, WordPress developer and enthusiastic marketer who spends most of his day behind the screen, working on ULTIDA, client projects and listening to black metal. But he never misses a daily workout to get the blood flow going.

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