Everything you need to know about Windows 8 Metro UI Colors. Build your own themes, websites, color palettes and graphics using Metro colors
List of all Metro colors as on Windows 8 and Windows Phone.
There are several Metro UI colors and color combinations and we decided to create a list of the most popular ones used in design. This resource also includes various color codes for use in any application, website or even text document.
Flat Metro UI and its colors have gained a huge popularity across web and graphic designers and even Apple decided to create flat design UI for its mobile operating system since iOS7. If you haven't yet familiar with Metro and Flat design trends you might want to look up some more info about it. Luckily we got you covered with the basic Metro colors, their color codes and basic information about them.
This light green color with HEX code #99b433 is composed of 60% red, 70.6% red and 20% blue. In the RGB value scale it means 153 Red, 180 Green and 51 Blue. Since RGB is not the only color space it can be composed with 15% cyan, 0% magenta, 71.7% yellow and 29.4% black in CMYK color space. #99b433 color has a hue angle of 72.6 degrees, a saturation of 55.8% and a litheness of 45.3%. This particular light green color can be created by blending #ffff66 with #336900 or by blending #F512052 and #3D4814. Closest websafe color to #99b433 is #99cc33.
15, 0, 72, 29
72.6°, 71.7, 70.6
69.222, -26.695, 59.165
30.055, 39.654, 9.202
0.381, 0.503, 39.654
69.222, 64.909, 114.285
69.222, -12.223, 70.765
62.971, -25.004, 35.415
10011001, 10110100, 00110011
Metro green color with the HEX code #00a300 and decimal value of 41728 is composed with no red, 63.9% green and no blue. In the RGB value scale #00a300 green consists of no Red, 163 Green and no Blue. RGB is no the only color space and when using CMYK you can compose this color with 100% cyan, 0% magenta, 100% yellow and 36.1% black. #99b433 color has a hue angle of 120 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 32%. This particular green color with the HEX code #00a300 can be created by blending #00ff00 with #004700 or #00E400 and #006200. Closest websafe color of #00ff00 is #009900.
100, 0, 100, 36
120°, 100, 63.9
58.22, -61.662, 59.513
13.096, 26.193, 4.365
0.3, 0.6, 26.193
58.22, 85.697, 136.016
58.22, -55.129, 71.268
51.179, -43.886, 30.768
00000000, 10100011, 00000000
Dark Metro Green color with the HEX code #1e7145 and decimal value of 1995077 is composed of 11.8% red, 44.3% green and 27.1% blue. In the RGB value scale #1e7145 dark green consist of 30 Red, 113 Green and 69 Blue. The same dark green in CMYK color space is composed of 73.5% cyan, 0% magenta, 38.9% yellow and 55.7% black. #1e7145 color has a hue angle of 148.2 degree, a saturation of 58% and a lightness of 28%. This particular dark green color with the HEX code #1e7145 can be composed by blending #2A9E61 and #124429 or blending #30B56E and #0C2D1C. Closes websafe color of #1e7145 is #336633.
73, 0, 39, 56
148.2°, 73.5, 44.3
42.024, -35.507, 17.515
7.514, 12.515, 7.65
0.271, 0.452, 12.515
42.024, 39.592, 153.744
42.024, -32.825, 26.165
35.377, -23.995, 11.943
00011110, 01110001, 01000101
Metro Magenta color with the HEX code #ff0097 and decimal value of 16711831 is composed of 100% red, 0% green and 59.2% blue. In the RGB value scale #ff0097 magenta consist of 255 Red, 0 Green and 151 Blue. The same magenta in CMYK color space is composed of 0% cyan, 100% magenta, 40.8% yellow and 0% black. #ff0097 color has a hue angle of 324.5 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 50%. Magenta color with the HEX code #ff0097 can be composed by blending #FF00D7 and #FF0057 or blending #FF0073 and #FF00BB. Closes websafe color of #ff0097 is #ff0099.
0, 100, 41, 0
324.5°, 100, 100
55.583, 86.354, -8.641
46.827, 23.5, 31.347
0.461, 0.231, 23.5
55.583, 86.786, 354.286
55.583, 131.38, -28.652
48.476, 87.594, -4.406
11111111, 00000000, 10010111
Light Metro Purple color with the HEX code #9f00a7 and decimal value of 10420391 is composed of 62.4% red, 0% green and 65.5% blue. In the RGB value scale #9f00a7 light purple consists of 159 Red, no Green and 167 Blue. RGB is no the only color space and when using CMYK you can compose this color with 4.8% cyan, 100% magenta, 0% yellow and 34.5% black. #9f00a7 color has a hue angle of 297.1 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 32.7%. Light purple color with the HEX code #9f00a7 can be created by blending #DF00EA and #5F0064 or #DF00B8 and #5F0096. Closest websafe color of #9f00a7 is #990099.
5, 100, 0, 35
297.1°, 100, 65.5
38.132, 70.245, -46.733
21.273, 10.162, 37.398
0.309, 0.148, 10.162
38.132, 84.37, 326.365
38.132, 49.463, -73.581
31.878, 63.326, -47.241
10011111, 00000000, 10100111
Metro Purple color with the HEX code #7e3878 and decimal value of 8271992 is composed of 49.4% red, 22% green and 47.1% blue. In the RGB value scale #7e3878 pruple consist of 126 Red, 56 Green and 120 Blue. The same purple in CMYK color space is composed of 0% cyan, 55.6% magenta, 4.8% yellow and 50.6% black. #7e3878 color has a hue angle of 305.1 degrees, a saturation of 38.5% and a lightness of 35.7%. This purple color with the HEX code #7e3878 can be composed by blending #B04EA8 and #4C2248 or blending #CA5AC0 and #321630. Closes websafe color of #7e3878 is #663366.
0, 56, 5, 51
305.1°, 55.6, 49.4
35.244, 39.407, -22.871
13.408, 8.621, 18.726
0.329, 0.212, 8.621
35.244, 45.563, 329.87
35.244, 32.902, -35.853
29.361, 30.133, -17.261
01111110, 00111000, 01111000
Dark Metro Purple color with the HEX code #603cba and decimal value of 6307002 is composed of 37.6% red, 23.5% green and 72.9% blue. In the RGB value scale #603cba dark purple consists of 96 Red, 60 Green and 186 Blue. RGB is no the only color space and when using CMYK you can compose this color of 48.4% cyan, 67.7% magenta, 0% yellow and 27.1% black. #603cba color has a hue angle of 257.1 degrees, a saturation of 51.2% and a lightness of 48.2%. Dark purple color with the HEX code #603cba can be created by blending #C0789B and #0000D9 or #5C789B and #6400D9. Closest websafe color of #603cba is #6633cc.
48, 68, 0, 27
257.1°, 67.7, 72.9
36.487, 45.762, -61.119
15.301, 9.263, 47.434
0.213, 0.129, 9.263
36.487, 76.353, 306.823
36.487, 4.053, -88.795
30.436, 36.475, -71.097
01100000, 00111100, 10111010
Darken is used as black color for Metro Ui. While it is not pure black it does look better in web design and design in general. As you might know that there is no pure black in the nature and neither Metro UI has one. Metro Darken color with the HEX code 1d1d1d and decimal value of 1907997 is composed of 11.4% red, 11.4% green and 11.4% blue. In the RGB value scale 1d1d1d pruple consist of 29 Red, 29 Green and 29 Blue. Darken in CMYK color space is composed of 0% cyan, 0% magenta, 0% yellow and 88.6% black. 1d1d1d color has a hue angle of 0 degrees, a saturation of 0% and a lightness of 11.4%. Darken color with the HEX code 1d1d1d can be composed by blending #292929 and #111111 or blending #2E2E2E and #0C0C0C. Closes websafe color of 1d1d1d is #333333.
0, 0, 0, 89
0°, 0, 11.4
10.767, -0, -0.002
1.168, 1.229, 1.338
0.313, 0.329, 1.229
10.767, 0.002, 266.929
10.767, -0.001, -0.001
11.084, -0.592, 0.602
00011101, 00011101, 00011101
Metro Teal color with the HEX code #00aba9 and decimal value of 6307002 is composed of 0% red, 67.1% green and 66.3% blue. In the RGB value scale #00aba9 teal consists of 0 Red, 171 Green and 169 Blue. RGB is no the only color space and when using CMYK you can compose this color of 100% cyan, 0% magenta, 1.2% yellow and 32.9% black. #00aba9 teal color has a hue angle of 179.3 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 33.5%. Teal color with the HEX code #00aba9 can be created by blending #00EFED and #006765 or #008B89 and #00CBC9. Closest websafe color of #00aba9 is #009999.
100, 0, 1, 33
179.3°, 100, 67.1
63.333, -36.256, -9.455
21.722, 31.988, 42.563
0.226, 0.332, 31.988
63.333, 37.469, 194.617
63.333, -49.197, -8.898
56.558, -30.421, -5.029
00000000, 10101011, 10101001
Light Metro Blue color with the HEX color code #eff4ff and decimal value of 15725823 is created by mixing 93.7% red, 95.7% green and 100% blue. In the CMYK color space #eff4ff light blue consist of 6.3% cyan, 4.3% magenta, 0% yellow and 0% black. In the regular RGB value scale #eff4ff consists of 239 Red, 244 Green and 255 Blue. This color also has a hue angle of 221.3 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 96.9%. Light blue color with the HEX code #eff4ff can be created by blending #E9F3FF and #F5F5FF or #EEF0FF and #F0F8FF. Closest websafe color of #eff4ff is #ffffff.
6, 4, 0, 0
221.3°, 6.3, 100
96.109, 0.363, -5.855
85.994, 90.272, 107.496
0.303, 0.318, 90.272
96.109, 5.866, 273.544
96.109, -3.352, -9.233
95.011, -4.711, -0.573
11101111, 11110100, 11111111
Metro Blue color with the HEX color code #2d89ef and decimal value of 2984431 is created by mixing 17.6% red, 53.7% green and 93.7% blue. In the CMYK color space #2d89ef light blue consist of 81.2% cyan, 42.7% magenta, 0% yellow and 6.3% black. In the regular RGB value scale #2d89ef consists of 45 Red, 137 Green and 239 Blue. This color also has a hue angle of 211.5 degrees, a saturation of 85.8% and a lightness of 55.7%. Light blue color with the HEX code #2d89ef can be created by blending #00FFFF and #5A13DF or #009BFF and #5A77DF. Closest websafe color of #2d89ef is #3399ff.
81, 43, 0, 6
211.5°, 81.2, 93.7
56.761, 9.293, -58.755
25.604, 24.679, 85.071
0.189, 0.182, 24.679
56.761, 59.486, 278.988
56.761, -29.898, -93.825
49.678, 5.063, -66.756
00101101, 10001001, 11101111
Dark Metro Blue color with the HEX code #2b5797 and decimal value of 2840471 is composed of 16.9% red, 34.1% green and 59.2% blue. In the RGB value scale #2b5797 dark blue consists of 43 Red, 87 Green and 151 Blue. RGB is no the only color space and when using CMYK you can compose this color of 71.5% cyan, 42.4% magenta, 0% yellow and 40.8% black. #2b5797 color has a hue angle of 215.6 degrees, a saturation of 55.7% and a lightness of 38%. Dark blue color with the HEX code #2b5797 can be created by blending #06AEFF and #50002F or #064AFF and #50642F. Closest websafe color of #2b5797 is #336699.
72, 42, 0, 41
215.6°, 71.5, 59.2
37.048, 7.304, -39.537
9.989, 9.564, 30.596
0.199, 0.191, 9.564
37.048, 40.206, 280.466
37.048, -16.812, -56.518
30.925, 3.538, -37.011
00101011, 01010111, 10010111
Metro Yellow color with the HEX code #ffc40d and decimal value of 16761869 is composed of 100% red, 76.9% green and 5.1% blue. In the RGB value scale #ffc40d yellow consists of 255 Red, 196 Green and 13 Blue. RGB is no the only color space and when using CMYK you can compose this color of 0% cyan, 23.1% magenta, 94.9% yellow and 0% black. #ffc40d color has a hue angle of 45.4 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 52.5%. Yellow color with the HEX code #ffc40d can be created by blending #FFFF1A and #FF8900 or #FFFF00 and #FF891A. Closest websafe color of #ffc40d is #ffcc00.
0, 23, 95, 0
45.4°, 94.9, 100
82.256, 7.897, 82.625
61.054, 60.772, 8.895
0.467, 0.465, 60.772
82.256, 83.001, 84.541
82.256, 49.768, 84.46
77.957, 3.373, 47.804
11111111, 11000100, 00001101
Metro Orange color with the HEX color code #e3a21a and decimal value of 14918170 is created by mixing 89% red, 63.5% green and 10.2% blue. In the CMYK color space #e3a21a orange consist of 0% cyan, 28.6% magenta, 88.5% yellow and 11% black. In the regular RGB value scale #e3a21a consists of 227 Red, 162 Green and 26 Blue. This orange color also has a hue angle of 40.6 degrees, a saturation of 79.4% and a lightness of 49.6%. Orange color with the HEX code #e3a21a can be created by blending #FFFF02 and #C74532 or #FF9B02 and #C7A932. Closest websafe color of #e3a21a is #cc9933.
0, 29, 89, 11
40.6°, 88.5, 89
71.042, 13.898, 70.827
44.786, 42.249, 6.773
0.477, 0.45, 42.249
71.042, 72.177, 78.898
71.042, 54.034, 69.973
64.999, 9.243, 39.321
11100011, 10100010, 00011010
Dark Metro Orange color with the HEX color code #da532c and decimal value of 14308140 is created by mixing 85.5% red, 32.5% green and 17.3% blue. In the CMYK color space #da532c dark orange consist of 0% cyan, 61.9% magenta, 79.8% yellow and 14.5% black. In the regular RGB value scale #da532c consists of 218 Red, 83 Green and 44 Blue. This dark orange color also has a hue angle of 13.4 degrees, a saturation of 70.2% and a lightness of 51.4%. Dark orange color with the HEX code #da532c can be created by blending #F00B30 with #C49B28 or #F06E58 with #C43700. Closest websafe color of #da532c is #cc6633.
0, 62, 80, 15
13.4°, 79.8, 85.5
53.252, 51.005, 48.844
32.463, 21.277, 4.78
0.555, 0.364, 21.277
53.252, 70.621, 43.76
53.252, 108.673, 38.026
46.127, 44.899, 26.145
11011010, 01010011, 00101100
Metro Red color with the HEX color code #ee1111 and decimal value of 15601937 is created by mixing 93.3% red, 6.7% green and 6.7% blue. In the CMYK color space #ee1111 red consist of 0% cyan, 92.9% magenta, 92.9% yellow and 6.7% black. In the regular RGB value scale #ee1111 consists of 238 Red, 17 Green and 17 Blue. This red color also has a hue angle of 0 degrees, a saturation of 86.7% and a lightness of 50%. Red color with the HEX code #ee1111 can be created by blending #F50022 with #E72200 or #F50000 with #E72222. Closest websafe color of #ee1111 is #ff0000.
0, 93, 93, 7
0°, 92.9, 93.3
50.244, 74.763, 59.31
35.564, 18.623, 2.252
0.63, 0.33, 18.623
50.244, 95.432, 38.425
50.244, 159.631, 34.437
43.155, 71.58, 27.114
11101110, 00010001, 00010001
Dark Metro Red color with the HEX color code #b91d47 and decimal value of 12131655 is created by mixing 72.5% red, 11.4% green and 27.8% blue. In the CMYK color space #b91d47 dark red consist of 0% cyan, 84.3% magenta, 61.6% yellow and 27.5% black. In the regular RGB value scale #b91d47 consists of 185 Red, 29 Green and 71 Blue. This red color also has a hue angle of 343.8 degrees, a saturation of 72.9% and a lightness of 42%. Dark red color with the HEX code #b91d47 can be created by blending #FF3A2A with #730064 or #FF002A with #733A64. Closest websafe color of #b91d47 is #cc3333.
0, 84, 62, 27
343.8°, 84.3, 72.5
40.655, 60.85, 17.283
21.585, 11.651, 7.073
0.535, 0.289, 11.651
40.655, 63.257, 15.856
40.655, 105.183, 7.196
34.133, 53.149, 11.607
10111001, 00011101, 01000111
There are no difference about white color in Metro UI because it uses pure white color with HEX code #ffffff. Metro White color with the HEX color code #ffffff and decimal value of 16777215 is created by mixing 100% red, 100% green and 100% blue. In the CMYK color space #ffffff white consist of 0% cyan, 0% magenta, 0% yellow and 0% black. In the regular RGB value scale #ffffff consists of 255 Red, 255 Green and 255 Blue. This white color also has a hue angle of 0 degrees, a saturation of 0% and a lightness of 100%. White color with the HEX code #ffffff can't be created by mixing colors. It is a pure color and let's leave it like that. Closest websafe color of #ffffff is #ffffff.
0, 0, 0, 0
0°, 0, 100
100, -0, -0.009
95.047, 100, 108.897
0.313, 0.329, 100
100, 0.009, 266.929
100, -0.006, -0.013
100, -5.342, 5.435
11111111, 11111111, 11111111